Theres no better place to be for a walk than the Lakeland Valley . Thick with small woods, pasture and the distant glimse of bright water to spurr te rambler onwards. Littlewonder that the lakeland poets loved this place so much.
Underneath it all the bright waters of the Lake look up to the swirling sky above Causey's steepening slopes
"I climbed the dark brow of the mighty Helvellyn,
Lakes and mountains beneath me gleamed misty and wide;
All was still, save by fits, when the eagle was yelling,
The Lakeland Valleys boast a stunning array of colors and visual allure all year round. Ive beentld that my brushes and paints have skillfully captured much of this beauty throughout Lakeland, some of which are highlighted in the gallery on this website. Prints have become a popular addition to the site, many finding their way into personal collections, both within the gallery and on the online store. Some paintings are waiting to be printed and will appear on the site. So if you can't see something that you like in the store which exists in a slide or featured painting please email me